Welcome to this special NMF2024 edition of the SEARCH Members Discussion Bulletin (MDB) which you can download by clicking here.
This edition publishes contributions we have received from members as part of the discussions leading up to the SEARCH National Members Forum 2024. These discussions included two Pre-NMF Members Zoom Forums that were open to all members.
As well as contributions we have received from members about the NMF's themes, program and aims, we also publish a summary of the main issues that emerged during the discussions at our two pre-NMF meetings, held online in December 2023 and February 2024.
Some contributors have ranged a little wider, while some have taken a deeper dive on one particular issue. The question of how to counter the authoritarian/populist Right is a recurring theme, and is reflected in our first panel at the Forum. There is also discussion of how socialists can and should create an alternative to the current crises of our times, including those around climate change, economic and social inequalities, peace and international solidarity, and how SEARCH can contribute to that mission from its democratic, ecological and socialist perspectives.
All opinions and views expressed in each article are the responsibility of the authors.
Thanks to our contributors and everyone who participated in the NMF pre-meetings for their contributions.
If you haven’t already, you can register for the NMF here, where you can also read the program outlining the session themes and speakers.
And you can get your ticket here for the NMF Dinner with Senator Barbara Pocock (now at the Cyprus Club, Stanmore). Be quick, tickets are selling fast!