We are fighting for a Democratic Socialist Australia.

We fight for democratic socialism in Australia, working with left-wing movements for democracy, economic and social equality, environmental sustainability, human rights, and international peace and cooperation.

Want to help? Join SEARCH by going here

We run events and forums, socialist education programs, and promote activism via our working groups and publications, such as SEARCH News.

We were established in 1990, to steward the assets of the former Communist Party of Australia (CPA), with the object of promoting “greater understanding in the community of the main factors affecting social life, influencing social development and advancing social wellbeing.” You can see some of our history via the Wayback Machine log of previous versions of our website, available here. Our Facebook page also records some of our more recent history and events.

We welcome members from across the Left, regardless of their political party membership.

We are an active membership-based organisation comprising of members from diverse backgrounds all across Australia, with one aim - to promote equality, environmental and social justice.

We are based out of our head office in Sydney (Level 1, 365 Sussex St, Sydney) and hold events across the country.

Need to renew your membership? Click here

The Objects and Aims of the FOundation are found in or Constitution, the relevant section stating:




The SEARCH Foundation recognises that modern Australian society stands on the lands of the First Nations Peoples, who have never ceded their sovereignty.

The SEARCH Foundation is a democratic socialist organisation that works for a democratic ecological socialist society in an Australian republic. Our commitment is to a society that:

  • Recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ rights and self-determination as First Nations Peoples.
  • Radically expands democracy of all kinds – participatory, direct and representative – so that economic, social and political power is dispersed much more equitably.
  • Recognises and enacts the basic human rights of economic security, social justice, equal rights and opportunity, democracy, and respect for differences.
  • Practices ecological sustainability, striving for a harmonious balance between society and nature, in particular implementing radical economic and social changes to avert the looming climate catastrophe.
  • Institutes forms of democratic ownership – public, community and cooperative – of key sectors, industries and enterprises of the economy, and limits private ownership, wealth, power and control.
  • Rejects and progressively overcomes exploitation, discrimination and oppression on the basis of class, gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality or disability.
  • Promotes popular participation in all areas of social life including the economy and the workplace.
  • Promotes the values of democracy, human rights, community, multiculturalism, equality, non-discrimination and non-violence.
  • Works for a peaceful, nuclear-free international order that respects the right of all nations and peoples to self-determination.

Towards that goal, the Foundation supports movements and campaigns for immediate reforms and more far-reaching changes that reflect these aims and values; advance human rights, equality, wellbeing and self-determination; expand democracy and civil rights in all aspects of social life; and preserve and protect the complex natural environment on which human civilisation depends.

SEARCH provides a space for socialist and left activists across progressive movements, organisations and parties to come together to discuss and learn about political ideas, policies and strategies for progressive social change towards a better world, and to work together on projects of common interest.


3.1 The Objects of the Foundation are to:

  • Promote ideas and actions to achieve a democratic ecological socialist Australian republic.
  • Provide a linking and enabling space for socialist activists to exchange ideas across progressive movements, develop policies and projects of common interest, and discuss campaigning strategies.
  • Support the self-determination of Australia’s First Peoples.
  • Oppose the domination of Australia’s economy by national and international corporations.
  • Promote greater understanding in the community of the main factors affecting social life, influencing social development, and advancing social wellbeing.
  • Preserve and celebrate the heritage of the socialist movement in Australia, especially the the New Left Party (1989-93), and the Communist Party of Australia (1920-1991) and its legacy of rejecting Stalinism and authoritarianism.
  • Recognise and support the multicultural character of Australia and the rights of ethnic minorities to maintain language and culture.
  • Provide solidarity to movements and organisations internationally which share the Foundation’s values and objectives.
  • Provide education in socialist, feminist, ecological and anti-racist ideas, and training and other activities for socialist and progressive activists.
  • Without limiting the generality of the Objects of the Foundation, carry out research and educational activity relating to: 
    • Theories of the functioning of society
    • The role of science and technology in social development
    • The role of the arts in culture and society
    • The relationship between humanity and the environment
    • Social justice, equality and democracy as factors effecting social development
    • The social and political forces that maintain patriarchy, racial and national oppression, ecological destruction, and capitalism, and the methods by which such forces seek to resist, obstruct and reverse progressive reforms and radical social change.
    • The part played by the above factors, and by labour, social and democratic movements, in the development of Australian society.
  • Establish and fund facilities for carrying out research into and publications and discussion about any of the above objects of the Foundation.
  • Use all forms of communication including online channels, social media, written publications and research reports for the purpose of increasing community awareness of the objects of the Foundation.
  • Assist the activity of other persons, organisations and publications that, in the opinion of the Foundation, will contribute to increasing community awareness of and support for the Foundation’s Objects.
  • None of the above objects shall be construed so as to limit or be limited by any other object.