The Nordic labour movement has made this joint statement on climate. The original text is linked below.
"It's serious now. Arctic melts, forest fires and floods are becoming more common, drought and hunger are driving people to flight.
It happens in our time, while we have the responsibility as individuals and society.
Offensive climate policy
The Nordic labor movement will be at the forefront of an offensive climate policy for a fair, green society.
If we are to reach our goal, broad popular support is required in all Nordic countries. Then the policy must be fair. No other way is possible. It would be completely unacceptable if those with the least money had to pay the most for a green and secure future.
We want to use the recipes in the Nordic model: Cooperation between politics, the trade union movement and employers, nationally and locally. The politicians have overall responsibility. The trade union movement is an important contributor to whether the business community is to succeed in reducing its CO2 emissions and the industry's wear and tear on the environment.
Energy production and consumption must be greener. In all this, there are also great opportunities for technological innovations, exports and new jobs.
The North must go ahead
Everyone must expect to be influenced, from now on. It is necessary to change how we live and move. The climate and environmental challenges are closely linked. In the environmental area, we must safeguard the natural diversity and the marine and aquatic environments, we must slow down plastic consumption and food waste - and much more. We must think new, every one of us.
The North must go ahead. We will do everything possible to achieve ambitious climate targets in the EU and the UN.
We have the strength and the will. The Nordic countries will become a green pioneering region. The Nordic labor movement, both the social democratic parties and the trade union movement, will together find solutions for a just climate policy."
Mette Frederiksen, Danish Social Democratic Party chairman
Lizette Risgaard, chairman of the trade union's main organization Denmark
Stefan Löfven, Party leader Social Democrats Sweden
Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson, Head of LO Sweden
Antti Rinne, party leader of the Social Democratic Party of Finland
Jarkko Eloranta, leader of the Finnish Trade Union's Central Organization
Logi Einarsson, party leader Samfylkingin Island
Jonas Gahr Støre, party leader Labor Party Norway
Hans-Christian Gabrielsen , Head of LO Norway